

Weight Loss Problem #524

I have been dealing with fat days lately.  Fat days are like bad hair days…only worse!

I wrote in my blog post a few weeks ago that I was wanting to lose a little weight.  Just a little though so that I could be closer to the bottom of my weigh range (175) than the top (177).  I have been hovering at the top of my weight range for most of 2013.

It is funny how each year of maintenance is different.  Some feel carefree.  Some feel tough.  I can be eating the same foods or doing the same exercise and yet my weight will be on the high end or the low end.  It is all still what I consider maintenance, but it can be frustrating.

I will often take a peek at myself in the mirror at the gym.  I still think I look normal.  Several weeks ago my friend Rebecca sent me a photo of a gal at the park she thought looked like me.  That girl was skinny.

There are also times I will peek at the mirror and feel like my stomach is sticking out more than usual.   Or that even though my pants don’t feel tight the muffin top seems more pronounced.  I guess that is just part of being a woman too.

I will stay the course though and keep eating healthy and getting in my activity.

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