

10 Week Fitness Challenge: Week One

Our Colonel at ISP developed a fitness challenge to encourage employees to adopt a fitness routine. The challenge is to walk, run, swim, bike, or weight train over the next 10 weeks. You could pick one area to focus on or a mix of percentages. I decided to walk 120 miles over 10 weeks.

Under normal circumstances this might not be a huge deal for me. I have enjoyed getting out for walks more since I hurt my back so committing to 100% of the walking challenge sounded like something right up my alley. The week runs from Sunday to Saturday so I will be checking in on Sundays with the previous week's walking mileage totals. I am aiming for 12 miles a week but know that some weeks could be more or less depending on how my back feels. I am going to give it my best shot!

So here is Week One of the 120 mile walking challenge.

Sunday: 7 miles
We walked all over Vegas and my friend Danielle was wearing her FitBit so we actually know how many miles we accumulated. It is amazing to realize how much walking you actually do. I debated if I would count this or not but it is walking and so it counts!

Monday: 4 miles
More Vegas walking. Since we were headed home this day we didn't quite walk as much as the days prior. I am still surprised we walked as much as we did.

Tuesday: No Activity
I needed some rest!

Wednesday: 2 miles
I went for a walk on the treadmill while I watched some TV. I also did PT today. 3 APs earned.

Thursday: No Activity
I was feeling store and a bit depressed after seeing the orthopedic doctor.

Friday: 4.6 miles
I split up my activity into two different walks. I was tired of feeling sorry for myself so I went for a 3 mile walk. Later in the day I walked to/from Albertson's and Walgreens for a little extra mileage. 5 APs earned.

Saturday: No Activity
I need to rest today. I have a 10K walk on Sunday.

Total Miles for Week One: 17.6

This was an unusual week of activity since I am counting the Vegas walking. I don't expect the weeks to be this high but hey, I'll take it!

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