

Weekly Weigh In

I am in a pretty bad funk this week and it reflected on the scale.

Actual weight was 180.4

I received some bummer news from the orthopedic doctor on Thursday. I will explain further after I talk to the PT on Monday. I am letting it control my moods and I feel like I am on a roller coaster.

I need to get myself out of this funk before I dig the whole deeper!

I told myself I would get on the scale Saturday after my return from Vegas.  Even though I didn't want to, I needed to.  I am up 2.6 pounds from the WI before going to Vegas.

There was some weight gain after Vegas and a little of that has dropped off. I was successful in getting my WI done for September but I am coming to terms with having to pay for October. It is okay. I won't stop going to my meeting just because I have to pay $9 a week.  I would like to at least keep my weight under 180.

I don't quite have a plan in place. I am still processing and here soon my inner fighter will come out again.

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