

My Other Half Balances Me Out

I drew the lucky card from the husband pool when I married Kenyon. There are many reasons why I am so lucky to have much such a great man. I am not sure I could even count all the ways and I am sure if I tired that I would forget something!

Yesterday Kenyon went with me back down to Art in the Park. Crowds aren't his thing but I needed to get something that required cash or check and Kenyon wanted to also wanted to look at this wood crafted hat hanger I had bought for my Dad for his birthday. I was thinking I could also persuade him to share an ice cream potato with me. After all, I passed up on getting one Saturday.

Kenyon has been following a low carb diet for a few months now. He will occasionally take a day off once a week or so when we go out for meals. What makes us work so well as a couple is that we can help each other out when we need to resist a temptation but we can also aid-and-abet each other when we want to give in!

Kenyon wanted the mini donuts. I told him I had not spotted any while I was there on Saturday but we could look for one if he wanted to. Trust me, if I had spotted a mini donut stand on Saturday I would have taken a picture and sent him a copy just to rub in the fact that there were mini donuts and he was at work. Hehehehe.

Kenyon decided he didn't really need donuts. Well, I didn't really need an ice cream potato either. So we left the park and headed home. A short time later we went to dinner at a local Mexican restaurant, Jalapenos, where we had a 2 for 1 dinner coupon to use. After dinner, and a stop at Cabela's because that is one of Kenyon's many toy stores, we headed for home.

I knew I wanted to stop at Arctic Circle for a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup shake. I figured I could persuade Kenyon to eat half of it with me. When I left the drive-thru window I asked if he wished for a bite. He declined. He continued to say how he wished he had the discipline I had where I could eat part of something and after having my fill, leave the rest alone. He commented how he felt he ate too much at the restaurant because it was good, it was in front of him, and it was food so he ate it.

It made me realize that while I had only planned to eat half of my shake that sometimes it is hard to stop and I might have realistically planned to eat the whole thing. I ate on my shake, slowly enjoying each bite, on the short drive home.

When I pulled into the garage I told him that I was going to follow the example that he just said I am and put the remainder of my shake into the freezer. He had one bite and I took two more...mmmm...peanut butter cup....and then I put more than half of the shake into the freezer. I don't know when or if there are plans to finish it.

What Kenyon describes as good self control I call choices. We all make a lot of food choices in a day. I always weigh the pros and cons and consider the PPVs and balancing out my splurges before I eat something. I also focus on eating nutritionally good foods but there are days that I don't get in all my Good Health Guidelines.

There are also times that I just splurge for the sake of wanting a particular food. Sometimes you just need a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup shake!

Thank you Kenyon for being the perfect match for me. We balance each other out quite well and I am very lucky to have you as a part of my life!

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