

10 Week Fitness Challenge: Week Three

Week Three of my 10 week fitness challenge passed quickly. Since developing a plan to walk the track at the Y in between doing my PT moves has made working out again fun. I did burn less calories on Wednesday than on Monday but I think this is just due to it being after my 10 hour shift and feeling a little tired.

How many of you are now singing an Aerosmith song?

Sunday: No Activity
I took a rest day today.

Monday: 3 miles
I completed three miles at the YMCA walking the track 3 laps for 12 times in between my PT core strengthening moves. It took one hour and I earned 5 APs. I was really able to get my heart rate up during my walking.

Tuesday: No Activity
This is a hard day to get activity in as it is my first day back at work and I am usually tired. I also have been grocery shopping and meal prepping on Tuesdays after work. I cut my had this day during my veggie chop prep. Oy!

Wednesday: 3 miles
Another day at the Y on the track. It is quite busy in the evenings and I had to compete for space on the track and the exercise area with some sort of teen group. It was fairly annoying and I think also partly why I earned one less AP than Monday. 4 APs earned.

Thursday: 2.4 miles
I walked on the treadmill at home watching TV. I had plans to take today off of activity but my hair appointment was postponed until next week. ::womp:: ::womp:: I knew at some point this week I would still need to get in some miles and since I was just going to watch TV I thought I should walk. 3 APs earned.

Friday: No Activity
I had plans to meet a friend for coffee after work and so today was a planned rest day. I also had a lot of TV to watch (do you sense a theme here?) but I wanted to just veg on the couch since I knew I would be going to the Y on Saturday.

Saturday: 3 miles
At the Y again and without the added distractions and working out early in my day I again earned 5 APs.

Total for Week Three: 11.4 miles

Challenge Total: 41.2 miles of 120 miles walked

I didn't quite meet my 12 miles for this week so looking back I wish I had walked a few extra laps on the track on Saturday! However, due to counting the walking miles in Vegas I am head of schedule. I will continue my goal of 12, or more, miles per week to see how many miles I can rack up over the next seven weeks.

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