

My Half Size Me Podcast Interview Airs Today!!!


I am happy to share with you my interview with Heather as Half Size Me.

If you are new to my blog and are checking it out after hearing my podcast interview, welcome.

I hope you will enjoy reading my daily to-dos and find my blog interesting enough to stick around a while.

I would love if you would comment…and comment often! 

Thanks for stopping by.

If you click the link below you can listen to the podcast through your computer or on your phone through the internet.  I would suggest being on WiFi or plan to use your cell data if you are going to stream it.

If you have an iPhone and already have the Podcast app, you can find my interview by searching for Half Size Me.  From there look for Episode 92.  If you download it (the little cloud next to it) then you can listen to it on your phone at anytime without using data or WiFi.

My interview starts at the 9:30 mark is about 45 minutes or so in length.  ßclick to listen
Heather listed some of the blog resources I talked about, which are also on the side of my blog.  I also want to list the books I mentioned.

A HUGE thank you to Heather for allowing me to share my story with her community and for finding me interesting enough to conduct the interview.  I have been trying to get my weight loss and maintenance story out there and you have helped me so much Heather.
I highly recommend you check out Heather's website, Half Size Me, and listen to her other podcast interviews, Heather's tidbits, and consider joining her community. It has been wonderful to listen to all the inspiring stories and to hear the weekly "Heather Weighs In" as well.


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