

Cookie Exchange

For the last few years I have organized a cookie exchange with my coworkers.  We have six people on our team so each person is required to being in one dozen cookies.  You can bake them, buy them, or convince somebody to bake them for you.  Since there are only six of us we get two of each cookie for one assorted dozen.

Coordinating a cookie exchange is not only a great way to get into the Christmas spirit but if you schedule it close enough to Christmas you also have dessert all ready to go for your family dinner or a holiday party!

Depending on the amount of cookies/people involved you could also freeze the cookies for a later date or eat on them little by little.

I decided to add some extra fun to this year’s cookie exchange by also bringing in a crockpot of hot coca with the usual favorite toppings!  I also brought some real mugs for extra fun.

I used this recipe for my crockpot hot coca.  It was super rich and very delicious!


We had a really great variety of cookies.  Some were store bought and some homemade.

Chocolate chip.

A cookie shaped like a pretzel (hard to see).

Chocolate dipped pretzels.

Brownie cookies with walnuts.  Here is a funny story: my coworker that brought these is allergic to nuts.  She swears they don’t usually have nuts in them.  Thankfully she didn’t have a reaction from the one bite she took before she realized it.

Sugar cookies that looked like rocking-horse dragons.

And more sugar cookies.

We had quite the spread.

A good time was had by all (this is my coworker John I with our “excited for cookies” face).

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