

Get In The Holiday Spirit With Secret Santa

I have a blog post prepared to tell you ALLLL about the fun gifts I got my Secret Santa person this year.  But, since we aren’t going to revel ourselves until the 16th, it will have to remain a secret for now!  In the meantime, I thought I would just talk about Secret Santa and some fun ideas from past years.

One of the things I love about Christmas time is Secret Santa gift exchanges.  It really gets me into the Christmas spirit and I enjoy spoiling the person whom I have selected as my Secret Santa person.
While I do enjoy receiving my Secret Santa gifts, the highlight of Secret Santa for me is to give my person little gifts over the span of a few weeks.  I much prefer that to one big gift on the revel day.  I have also received some crapy gifts (I know, it isn’t about the gift but the thought behind it…yada…yada.  In the past people must not have thought very highly of me!).  I want my Secret Santa person to enjoy their small gifts to stretch it as long as possible.

Secret Santa doesn’t have to break the bank.  Yes, there is usually a limit set and I often go over that limit.  But, you will be surprised on what fun stuff you can find at the Dollar Store these days.  Just remember, you wouldn’t want somebody to give you a bunch of cheap crappy gifts (see above comment) so just make sure you still get them something they might want/need/ask for. 

And don’t forget to have FUN!!!  I once got my Secret Santa person a coloring book and crayons from the Dollar Store and then was at work when she opened it.  The cheep coloring book bled black across it when you colored and most of the crayons broke.  I just laughed right along with her, “Man your Secret Santa is cheap!  They couldn’t even spend money on an actual coloring book instead they got you’re a cheap-o-one.”  Don’t worry, she had some actual non-Dollar Store gifts so I wasn’t 100% cheap, just about 30% that year.
I ALWAYS revel myself to my Secret Santa person.  I know some people like to keep it a secret but I like to know who to thank so I make sure to revel myself. 


In the past I have had lots of fun with Secret Santa.
·        I have wrapped a box of crackers and some holiday knife spreaders with a note to check the fridge.  Then I wrapped a cheese ball and left it in the fridge for them.
·        Cracker Barrel always has cute holiday themed salt and pepper shakers so I have given a pair of those before.
·        Walgreens usually has a nice holiday section with wine glass charms, spoon rests, knife spreaders, etc that can make a cheap fun gift.
·        I knew of a coworker that LOVED snowman and found some really great snowman themed gifts for her.
·        I have received movie tickets to a local theater and I really liked that idea.  I love going to movies.  You can even get tickets to the cheap theater in your area or discounted tickets through credit unions.
·        There are lots of deals for gift cards during the Christmas holiday.  My favorite, Dutch Bros coffee, has a deal that if you buy $20 you get $5 free.  Just get a separate gift card and give that to your Secret Santa person.  That is win-win because then you have $20 to spend on yourself!
·        I have also given away a gift I received!!  I did this last year.  I won a gift certificate for a massage at our work party but Kenyon and I already have a monthly massage plan so I didn’t really need it.  I was sitting next to my Secret Santa person when I won the gift certificate and she mentioned how she could really use a massage.  I decided to give it to her.  Disclaimer: I did tell her I won it at our work party and that I didn’t actually purchase it and go WAY over the budget.  I didn’t want anybody else getting upset she got such an expensive gift.
·        I found a craft idea in a local craft advertisement for a hot chocolate snowman.  You get some round jars or jugs and fill one with hot chocolate (you can find it in the bulk bins) and some with marshmallows.  Paint one with a snowman face and one with buttons and arms.  Find some cloth as a scarf.  Stack the two on top of each other and tie the scarf.  You can also add a hit or make a hat for on top.
·        I have hand painted ornaments.  To this day I still get told it was her favorite gift.
·        Coloring books!!!  Almost EVERYBODY loves to color.
·        Another oldie but goodie is to find a holiday jar, like a tree shaped one, and fill with holiday colored M&Ms.

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