

My FitBit Is Making A Comeback

After my poor activity representation last week, I decided I needed to re-focus and really work on getting in 10,000 steps a day.  I also struggle with finding the motivation to exercise after my 10-hour work shift.  So I started waking up at 3:30am this week on all five of my work days (I worked an extra overtime day). 

The actual task of waking up at 3:30am wasn’t that difficult.  I already get up at 4am and usually I am in bed by 8pm.  So waking up was just a matter of getting up as soon as the alarm went off and getting into my exercise clothes.  The harder part was adjusting my routine for the mornings.  I pre-planned some days by having my breakfast, lunch, and snacks packed the night before.  I also pre-planned by not wearing makeup two days. 

Kenyon also wakes up around 4-4:30am so I had to work around his routine a few days.  Usually I wake up first and get my shower done so I can be applying my make-up while he showers.  Then I fix myself, and maybe him, some breakfast.  I always sit down to eat my breakfast and watch some TV at 5am.  Most days I was still sitting down to breakfast at 5am.

I consider this week a success!  While I didn’t always get my heart rate up nor did I walk super fast on the treadmill, I am happy I stuck to it and completed some activity.  I also felt less guilty for not exercising after work and the one day I walked in the sunshine after work it was much more enjoyable because I didn’t HAVE to get my workout in.

I plan to continue this new routine for the next few weeks of this day shift rotation.  I also plan to increase the intensity and variety of the morning activity.  And I hope to add in some afternoon activity as well.

So….last week I logged a whopping 9.90 miles and 12,868 steps.  This week I logged 64,881 steps and 30.15 miles.

My FitBit week runs Sunday to Sunday but my WW week runs Wednesday to Wednesday.  Here is last week’s activity.

Wednesday: Mall walking with Kenyon
We laced up our tennis shoes and joined the early morning elderly walkers at the mall.  It was a nice change of scenery that was dry and warm.  There were a couple of creepy dudes there that were just hanging around and not mall walking.  There is even music playing!  We walked two laps upstairs and two downstairs for a total of about 2 miles.  3 APs earned.

Thursday: 3:30am treadmill date and a walk in the sunshine
My first morning waking up at 3:30am and I walked 2.5 miles on the treadmill.  I knew I would have good TV to watch as one of my favorite shows taped last night.  So I planned accordingly with all my meals ready to go.  I walked for 45 minutes earning 3 APs.  While not planned I also took a walk in the sunshine later that day.  It was so nice to just take a leisure walk.  I invited along my favorite buddy, my Dutch Bros Americano!  I walked 1.65 miles and earned 1 AP.

Friday: 3:30am treadmill date
I woke up about 3:15am this morning so I just decided to get up and go for it.  I walked 2.5 miles and earned 3 APs.  I about fell asleep in my dinner later that night as I was pretty tired.

Saturday: 3:30am treadmill date

I woke up feeling a little tired this morning.  I walked 2 miles and earned 2 APs.  Despite some sunshine when I got off work my back was hurting at work.  I decided to skip extra activity and rest.  I also went to bed super early!

Sunday: 3:30am treadmill date
I kicked up the pace today and walked 3.2 miles earning 4 APs.  We went to bed super early but I had trouble falling asleep.  Perhaps my body is getting used to a 3:30am wake up call?

Monday: 3:30am treadmill date
Last workday for the week!  I was short on time as it was snowing outside.  Ugh.  Never know what work will be like so I didn’t want to take much extra time.  Plus I had planned to wear make-up today as I had not put any on Saturday or Sunday.  I walked 2 miles and earned 3 APs.   I got the pace up to 3.6 and felt I could go to 3.8 but didn’t want to irritate my back.

Tuesday: Mall walking with Kenyon

We ended our week with mall walking.  My back was really hurting me so we just did two laps, one upstairs and one downstairs.  Each lap is 0.7 miles and I only counted 1 AP.

As you can see I went to bed super early a few nights.  Most nights I was rounded up for bed by 7:30pm.  I even went to bed at 7pm a few nights.  I also noticed that changing up my morning routine left me less “free” time so a few days the dishes started to stack up.  I need to make sure I manage my other time better.  The purpose of getting up early to exercise means not having to do it after work.  But I also don’t need to be lazy after work either!

I also noticed that despite starting my day with a walk on the treadmill some days I didn’t even earn 10,000 total steps.  That is some tough stuff!

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