

It's That Time Of Year Again

I received my yearly survey for The National Weight Control Registry in my email inbox.

“Hello Lindsay,

You are receiving this message because you are a member of The National Weight Control Registry, and it is time to complete your yearly survey. The information that you provide to us in these yearly surveys helps us understand what happens after a person loses weight.

No matter what has happened since you first lost weight, we want to hear from you! Please click the link below to complete your yearly survey.”

I really liked the last part of the email, “No matter what has happened since you first lost weight, we want to hear from you!”

I am not over my goal weight by a lot.  Well, I guess it depends on what you view as a lot but 10 pounds isn’t something I view as a lot.  It would be tempting to not complete my yearly survey as I am over goal and will have to select the box that says I gained weight this last year.  The purpose of the NWCR is to gather statistics of weight loss and maintenance.  There is so little knowledge of success with maintenance and gathering accurate information is important even when that information includes gaining weight.

To join the NWCR you must show you have lost at least 30 pounds and kept that weight off for a least a year.  It has been over five years since I reached my goal weight of 175 and this is the first time I have been this far above goal.  I still see myself as a success.  I still feel completing this survey is important. 

If you qualify for the NWCR I encourage you to join by clicking the link:

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