

Kitchen Experimentation

I got an email invitation from Heather at Half Size Me to submit a dessert recipe for her new book. If I participate I will have my recipe published along with a bio, photo, and info for my blog. It sounds like a great opportunity to network and when else would I ever be in a book?

I've been experimenting in the kitchen. I'm not very good with coming up with recipes on the fly. When I first started WW I came up with all sorts of “desserts” using low PPV food creations. I don't really do much of that anymore. I prefer to have the real deal just a smaller amount. However, it is nice to have some low calorie dessert options.

I'm still not 100% I like the cookie I experimented with.  I'll take them to work for my coworkers to try and give feedback. 

I have a few other ideas I want to try out as well. I have until July 15th to submit my recipe to Heather.

I'll have to keep you in suspense until then. I hope I can come up with something book-worthy and something that will be selected for the final print. That would be just awesome!

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