

New Gym Membership

I joined a new gym.

I have been toying with the idea for a while now of cancelling my membership at the YMCA and perhaps getting a new membership at Axiom.  The new Axiom opened really close to our house and it also had a pool (which is what Kenyon was interested in).  We stopped by last week to tour the facility and talk about fees.  Blue Cross of Idaho was offering a discount to State employees; however, Axiom had a pretty good monthly fee already.  I was paying $47 a month at the Y and Axiom is only $19.99.  We really liked the facility.  Obviously it is brand-spanking-new so it looks really nice.  I was also impressed with the quality of the equipment.  We have to pay a $39.99 equipment enhancement fee once a year and seeing how nice the equipment is I’m okay with that.  So, we are now members of Axiom.

I was really looking forward to this change in hopes of feeling re-energized.  I love the instructors at the Y but I just was feeling bored with the same old routines.  Plus I feel their classes don’t cater to those that work shift-work.  We were looking at Axiom specifically because it is open 24 hours during the weekday, which will be nice when we are on night shift at work.  During our interview I was told the facility is actually staffed 24 hours a day vs. those where you just badge in and are there all alone.  They also said the complex itself has extra security so if I am ever uncomfortable going to my car alone the front desk will have security walk me out.  I really like that.
Thursday was a BEAUTIFUL day outside and I needed to get in some steps for the Mt. Everest Challenge but I also wanted to take a class at Axiom.  I decided to walk the two miles to the gym and attend the class.  I then planned to walk one mile to SouperSalad for dinner and finally two miles back home. My super active day turned into an even bigger active day after I met a gal in my class that encouraged me to attend the kickboxing class that was held after the strength class I attended.  I had decided I stay for just a few minutes.
I gotta tell you….I felt ALIVE!  I really miss that part of my life.  The life before my back issues started when I attended all sorts of high intensity aerobic classes.  I didn’t expect to feel so emotional but I was.  While I don’t think I can realistically attend kickboxing on a regular basis (I did feel better than I thought I would the next day and wasn’t in any major pain) I will consider popping in for 20 minutes or so on a future date.  I just need to remember to modify the moves and stop if I feel pain.  The doctor told me I shouldn’t do kickboxing anymore as it is too hard on the hips/back.  I just felt so alive though.  I really do miss it.
Anyway, I continued on foot to SouperSalad for dinner.  I looked up the menu ahead of time and knew they were serving their meatball soup.


You see that top soup bowl on the left side of the photo above?  There were NO meatballs in the soup.  WHAT?  I asked my server if they ran out or if other people just picked out all the meatballs.  The gal serving the soup said people pick them out.  The server asked if there was more in the back and she said there was.  So I staked my claim and stood by the soup until she brought it out.  I came for meatballs and meatballs were had!

I had two slices of pizza but wanted more.  It was super delicious.  I took the gingerbread piece before the other soup came out so I ended up not eating that.

After a stop into Dick’s Sporting Goods, Walgreens, and Rosauers I made my way home on foot.  It was a super active day indeed!

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