

Rockin' the HDL (Good Cholesterol)

I have been checking my cholesterol each year for the last few years.  This isn’t a requirement but I strive to have a broader focus that just the number on the scale for success.  Therefore, I have a test each year.  I had my cholesterol check in August as part of the Heath Questioner requirement for the Thrive Idaho program.  I’m not sure what to think of these numbers.  While there are improvements (HDL of 57!!!!) there is also some numbers that are out of the “good” range.  Like any other number though I use it to compare from year and year.  We will see what next year shows.

I know there is a link between weight and cholesterol although I am not sure to what extent.  I believe this because my weight is higher this year than it was last year and my numbers have gone up.  The same goes for when I was below goal and that year I saw really great cholesterol numbers.  I am really shocked and happy that my HDL is so high.  It has never been this high and at one point my HDL was in the 30s.  Whatever I’m doing there is a good thing.  A HDL total of 59 and over significantly reduces your changes of heart disease.

My blood pressure was a little high (120/82).  She didn’t mention anything though.  I don’t keep track of that number but often I am told “that’s good” so I’ve not really paid attention.  I will start to do so.  According to the health assessment I completed online with Thrive Idaho it says I am at a moderate risk for stroke due to my elevated blood pressure.  Again, nothing I will worry too much about because this has not been an on-going issue.  It is all just so I can get a bigger picture of what is going on.

Total Cholesterol: 200
Triglycerides: 77
HDL: 57
LDL: 128

Results from 2013:
Total Cholesterol: 176
Triglycerides: 64
HDL: 50.3
LDL: 113

Pre-WW results from 2006:
Total Cholesterol: 247
Triglycerides: 108
HDL: 38
LDL: 187

As you can see even with an increase in my numbers between 2013 and 2014 it is still an improvement over my pre-WW days.  That is always something positive!

Just as a reminder for what the optimal number range is:
Total Cholesterol: 100-199
Triglycerides: 0-149
HDL: Greater than 39
LDL: 0-99

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