

What I Ate Yesterday (Friday)

I hope your weekend is off to a great start.  Mine is going to be pretty low-key and will be short with a scheduled overtime shift on the books Sunday.  Next weekend is the FUN weekend.


I have been hanging onto a mostly used peanut butter jar so I’ve had my eyes set on overnight oats.  In this jar is 20 grams oats, 4.5 oz non-fat Greek yogurt, 1 Tbs Chia seeds, ½ cup Almond milk, some honey, cinnamon, and Stevia.  I cooked a chopped up apple in some coconut oil, 1 tsp brown sugar, and cinnamon and then added that to the jar.  There is nothing better than overnight oats in a partially used peanut butter jar.  It is so delicious.


Thursday evening I threw together a dish of rice, chicken, and broccoli and added some sauce.  It wasn’t that great.  I decided for lunch today I would do a similar version but actually do more of a fried rice dish.  It was really yummy.  4 ounces chicken, one egg, 1 tsp oil, garlic powder, soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, 40 grams frozen peas, and some cut up broccoli. 


Pasta salad has been sounding good and is super easy to throw together.  1 oz whole wheat pasta shells, 100 grams kidney beans, one red pepper, ½ zucchini, 30 grams pear and gorgonzola dressing, and 1 tsp oil.  The best part of pasta salad is they are really customizable.  I saw a tip on Kath’s blog that she adds in her veggies during the last few minutes of cooking the pasta.  I love that tip and use it often.  I usually would dress it with Greek dressing but we didn’t have any so I had to improvise!  I often add cheese too but didn’t have any on hand.


I planned a snack for after work since I worked the late shift. I had an apple and string cheese and then picked up a Dutch Bros on my way home. Earlier in the day I also had a Starbucks Americano with Pumpkin Spice.

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