

Update On Tracking

I am feeling very energized and motivated this week with my 100% tracking commitment.

After having dinner with my parents at Costa Vida, Dad mentioned getting ice cream.  For a split second that sounded really good.  After spending an extra 7 WPPA on dinner and already using 21 WPPA, I didn’t want to spend anymore of my WPPA on an extra treat.  I realized as I was driving home that had I not been committed to my 100% tracking that it would have been very easy to stop by Arctic Circle for a Reese’s peanut butter cup shake.  Even today, with a full day of DPA available to me it still sounds good.  However, I don’t need a treat.  I need my pants to fit better!

After reading my recent blogpost on the current status of my weight, a coworker asked me if my plan was to be really strict with myself.  She understands the hustle of the holidays and the many food/treat opportunities that are on the way from October through the New Year.  This is a really rough time of year to be trying to lose weight.  I also don’t want to miss out on some of those yummy treat options.

I need to find the best way to balance food and treats without getting crazy and super restrictive.  I have been known to have a “fear of eating” when I am counting my PPVs and watching them closely.  I do hope the small change I have made this week in being more focused on tracking will help get me get closer to my goal of weighing less and having my pants fit better.

I know I need to ramp up my exercise, well really I need to exercise in general!  I am focusing this week on just tracking.  It is a busy week and I have not really had any formal exercise.  For me, that is A-okay.  I am letting go of that feeling that I NEED to be working out like crazy.  Exercise is great and I plan to get back into it.  What I need right now is a better focus on food and to keep working that resistance muscle.

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