

New Year Resolutions Or Lack There Of

Hello and Happy Friday.  I just have Saturday off and then I have to start back again Sunday and Monday.  Then I start my new days off and will soon be on day shift.  I can’t wait!

I love that I can attend my Tuesday morning meeting again.  The Monday morning leader has been a good fill-in and I have enjoyed that group.  However, she gets off topic WAY too much.  I noticed last week there is this gal every once in a while that comes to the Monday morning meeting and sits with a disgusted look on her face.  I’m not sure if she is just sending those signals or if she too thinks we get off topic too much.  It just makes me that much more happy to be back at my usual Tuesday morning meeting with my favorite leader and group.

While I am not really a New Year Resolutions person nor do I set goal per se, I was looking ahead to 2015 as the year I would be paying off my car and my student loan and then saving up boatloads of money for travel.  Well, my recent car crash sort of changed some of the course.

While I am not getting rid of my car payment, I was able to pay off the balance of my student loan with the insurance money and also put a good amount into savings.  Plus, I have a fun new car too!  I sort of feel like my 2015 goal is met now.  See you in 2016.  Kidding....

It is a bummer going into 2015 again being over my goal weight and trying to lose weight.  I really hate New Year Resolutions of losing weight.  But, I know I need to drop some pounds.  I got this new calendar that has some really funny sayings on it.  This is the page for the start of the year.


It is a bit hard to read.  It says: “I feel fat today.  And to make myself feel better, I will eat this cake.  Yes.  Good Plan.”
While I don’t quite feel like eating cake just because I feel fat, I am having more fat days than non-fat days.  So I must keep moving forward.  There is nothing better than a brand new year to feel energized.

Whatever your 2015 holds for you, I hope it is the best year yet.  Do all the things you have been saying you would do.  Travel to the places you want to.  Tell your loved ones you are thinking about them.  Make this year THE year.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for This, I love it,
    "365 opportunities"

    I think you just helped me pick my 'word' for 2015..


    I am not a resolution girl anymore, and I started last year after being inspired by a blogger, to pick a word, last year it was 'fullfilled'
    this year will be hte year of opportunities
