


Oh my gosh it has been a busy few days. I didn't mean to leave you hanging!!! My days off have flown by. Let's rewind.

Wednesday: I had a great WI again this week. I lost 1.2 pounds for a total of 6.4 pounds. I have my sights on you 10 pound star! I'm coming for you. I also saw two green squares on my Happy Scale app this week. I am really happy with my progress and my re-commitment to my weight loss.

SF is still going strong. This week I need to work on spicing up my food choices though. I can fall into the trap of the same foods all the time and I don't want to derail the SF train. Changes this week in my meals are on tap.

I got in a great walk to/from WW and beat the storm that was rolling in. I earned 4 APs and started my week off with some good activity. I was tempted to walk to SouperSalad but wasn't sure I wouldn't get poured on. Instead I drove to SouperSalad for lunch and then ran a few errands. I wasn't impressed with the soup choices but built myself a nice big salad.

I took a nap and then met Kenyon for a midnight meal at Denny's. Pancakes for the win!!

Thursday: Yesterday started off full speed with a full day planned. I had an early morning appointment and then had to take care of some things afterward. I had plans to head to Murphy for reunion planning for the Joyce Reunion/150th Celebration but before that I stopped by work for a retirement party. Sgt. Burke, who is also a close family friend, retired after 29 years in police service. Sgt. Burke's son has just graduated from the POST Academy and will soon be on the road as one of our new troopers. He will be taking over his Dad's old number. That is really exciting!

Photo credit to Shauna, who takes amazing photos!

It was such a wonderful retirement party and I am so glad I was able to be there. I'll see Sgt. Burke around Silver City as we both have cabins by each other. He is such a great guy and has such a wonderful family. Best of luck to Sgt. Burke.

From there I headed to Murphy. Always an experience when we all get together to plan this celebration. Only a few weeks left! The cows are out and about on the ranch and whenever I drive up/down the long driveway to my cousin Tiffany's house I feel like the cows are saying “slow down!” My cousin Chad said they were also saying “that is a weird car.” I would agree with that. I doubt those cows see many bright green cars. (I suspect I'm over thinking this).

I caught a nap when I got home and then met up with a coworker (Hi Cathy) for a late night meal at Denny's. Our service was less than stellar but once again...pancakes for the win! I'm now refreshing my memory in anticipation for a friend date on Monday to see Pitch Perfect 2. WhoooHooo!

1 comment:

  1. I love your happy scale app green boxes! Your an inspiring rockstar!!!

    I'm sure those cows were quite impressed with you your green car and the speed ha! I loved your commentary.

    Yum. I think pancakes win every time. It's quite ironic the many things we share in common friend. It makes me smile!

    Pitch perfect 2 coupled with a gf date can't be beat! Enjoy
