

Meet Our Newest Employee

Say hello to our newest employee: Mr. Treadmill Console.

Several months ago our LT contacted us about using yearend money to purchase a treadmill or bicycle that would be used at the console.  I was sort of on the fence as I just wasn’t sure I would want to stand for a full 10-hour shift.  However, I also know having a treadmill in the dispatch center would sure pass some of those slow downtime shifts (i.e. graveyard between 4am and 6am). 

I came to work today to see our new employee has arrived.  I haven’t had time to use it yet but I do plan to bring my tennis shoes to work on Friday and Saturday.  We have approval to change into tennis shoes while we are using the treadmill console. 

There are those nights were it can be hard to stay awake so I think a little activity will go a long way.

1 comment:

  1. That's SOOOO freaking AWESOME!!Im jealous.. lol..

    I think that would be super amazing ha
