

Monday Happenings

I had an enjoyable day off with Kenyon last night.  Unfortunately he woke up not feeling so great but is possibly on the mend.  He thinks it is something he ate.  Yikes!  I hope for a speedy recovery.

We had our massages yesterday afternoon and then went to Cracker Barrel.  Kenyon had dinner and I had breakfast.  Since we are both on night shift and got up early for our massage appointments we took at nap in the late afternoon/early evening.  We were able to stay awake until 4am doing this and that around the house.  It was tempting to eat out again, Denny’s pancakes, but we stayed home.  The scale was down this morning.  Yes!

Today I had my PT appointment and then a follow-up with the doctor at the Spine Center.  I hate to talk about my back feeling better for fear of jinxing it.  I have been feeling really good since last Friday’s PT appointment.  I was a bit achy after the massage as the therapist pushed too hard on my lower back.  Thankfully the PT brought me back to comfortable.  We are pushing my next appointment out two weeks due to my changing work schedule and the Memorial Day holiday.  I must stay on track at home to see how I have progressed at our next visit.

I am now at work after grabbing a quick nap and preparing my food for work.  Here is today’s food.  It is a SF day:

Breakfast: egg sandwich made with 2 slices light toast, egg/white, 1 slice bacon (1 PPV), and homemade strawberry jam (2 PPV).  Coffee but not cream.

Snack: salad with pinto beans and 14g  blue cheese dressing (1 PPV).

Lunch: mini meat loafs, corn cob, and sweet potato cooked in olive oil.

Dinner: chicken sausage (3 PPV), peas, and sugar free jello with mandarin oranges.

Late night/early morning snack at work: 6 oz FF Greek yogurt and frozen berries.

Extras: Human Bean Iced Americano with cream (1 PPV) and Dutch Bros decaf Americano with cream (1 PPV).

I used 9 WPPA today.  I still have plenty of  WPPA left with Tuesday being my last day this week.  I earned 2 APs today, one at PT and one doing an easy 20 minute walk on the treadmill.

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