

Family, Friends, Alcoholic Beverages, & Sourdough Pancakes

Good Morning.  I hope you had an excellent 4th of July and were able to cut loose and have some fun.

I had a very enjoyable time at our cabin in Silver City.  I decided late on Friday afternoon that I would drive up that evening so I could spend a little more extra time with my nieces as they weren’t staying all day on Saturday.  It ended up be a great decision because I was able to visit with even more extended family and also see all my friends on Saturday.  The only thing that would have made the short weekend better is if Kenyon was able to go with me. 

I was really happy that Avacardo made the trip up the mountain easily.  I worried of a cracked windshield from rocks on the road more than the road itself.  There were some pretty bumpy spots and I think I might have dragged a couple of times.  Whoops.  I can’t wait to take him to the car wash after work today!


I rolled into town close to 9pm.  My nieces love to go on four wheeler rides so Mom and Dad took each girl for a ride around town.  I took that opportunity to visit with my extended family at the other Ihli cabin and Mary down at the Burke cabin.  Once the girls arrived back at our cabin we sat on the porch and drank alcoholic beverages, laughed, and fed the little girls large amount of sugar.  By the time 11pm rolled around Emma had pretty much “gone to smash” and was quite emotional.  I headed down to the other Ihli cabin and visited until about 12:30pm with my cousins.  It was a late night.

A trip to Silver City always involves sourdough pancakes!  Dad made a double batch thinking Kenyon would be with me so I brought some pancakes home to him.  It was a delicious breakfast.  I also had a few mimosas and some coffee. 


Emma asked for a brownie at breakfast.  We made her eat a little actual food first.

Since the little girls were headed back home by mid-morning they didn’t play in the kids games downtown.  I ventured down to the game so I could visit with my friends.  Growing up spending summers in Silver City meant playing with the other kids (and some extended cousins) around my age.  It was really fun to see the next generation playing in the same kids games we once did.  The highlight of the day is when they open up a bale of hay and throw a combination of candy and money in for the kids to dig through.  When I was a kid you always wanted to find the money because that meant you could go to the Idaho Hotel and buy some candy cigarettes.  My dad would light the end of our cigarette so it looks more “official.”  Oh, those were the days.

It was HOT and there was no shade so I headed back up to the cabin to relax and visit with my grandparents for a bit.  Dad and I went down to watch some of the horseshoe tournament that takes place every year on the 4th of July weekend.  I wanted to play and had plans to do so until I ended up with overtime this morning at 6am.  If I had played in the tournament it would have meant getting home quite late so I changed my mind.  It was actually overcast for a bit in the afternoon, which was nice, but I was also glad I wasn’t playing in the heat. 

By afternoon I headed back towards home so I could time it when Kenyon would be waking up.  He had just gotten off work at 6am.  It was an early bedtime since I was exhausted.  Fireworks in my neighborhood woke me up at 10:30pm but I was able to get back to sleep.


Today would be my Grandma A’s 101st birthday.  I still miss this little lady.

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