

Monday Ramblings

Oh my gosh I am so tired today!  I would say “thankfully it is my weekend” but that isn’t the case.  I am working overtime each day on my three days off.  But, at least it isn’t a full 10-hour shift and I get to sleep in Tuesday and Wednesday.  Thank goodness!

We haven’t officially accepted an offer on our house just yet.  We had five total offers and all of them are great offers.  We are conducting a little experiment to see which of the buyers are serious about our house.  We don’t want to risk picking one offer only to have them drop out again after the inspection or the appraisal.  The buyers have until 4pm to respond and we have until 10pm tonight to make a decision.  It is going to be another late night.  Poor Kenyon has to get up early but I get to stay in bed!

I am planning to go to my Tuesday WW meeting tomorrow.  I am excited to see Donna and my other favorite WW buddies.  I am then meeting Jamie for a MS talk with a free lunch and to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2.  I’m super excited to see it.  I work overtime at 4pm.

Wednesday is still wide open.  I’ll get in to Curves in the morning and then I might just lounge on the couch and get caught up on my TV shows.  If we are possibly going to close on our house the first week in May, I need to get the shows watched on the Tivo before we have to turn it back in to Cable One.  I work overtime again at 4pm.

Thursday will be my early start for my OT as I work at 6am but I get off work at 1pm.  Kenyon and I have another preview appointment set up with the CBH Design Studio.  I’m super excited to be looking at options for the new house.  I drove by the property last night and boy do I wish our house was one of those that is currently being built.  Getting closer!

Thursday night I am going to be a Designated Driver for the alcohol workshop that ISP is putting on for local college students in the law enforcement program.  As part of training for a DUI driver, eight people (I actually was able to round up nine drinkers) will drink for a period of 2 hours having their BAC (blood alcohol content) tested periodically.  The drinkers will then go into the classroom and are put through the FST (field sobriety tests) to determine if they are impaired by alcohol as if a real driver would be.  This is a great training tool for the students, as well as other law enforcement officers in training, to see what an impaired driver looks like without all the other outside factors surrounding a real traffic stop.  While it is always fun to be the drinker (hey….free booze) I am excited to be a part of this training and can watch all the drinkers as they are put through the testing. 

Friday it is back to work and I am off on Saturday for a really fun family day.  It is our annual Duck Ranch Ladies hike.  I am super excited to be able to spend time with my family.  I had a very generous coworker willing to trade me shifts despite having to work a lot of overtime.  Yeah!

Sorry I’ve not got much but ramblings for you today.  Have a great Monday!

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