

Short Work Week

Happy Weekend to all of you out in Internet Land.  I’m starting my work week today but it will be a short one due to rotating to new days off this weekend.  I only work today and tomorrow and then I have Sunday and Monday off.  WhoooHooo.  I work a 4-hour OT shift on Monday afternoon so not quite a full two days off.  I’ll take it though.

I had really good intentions of going to a WW meeting this week.  There wasn’t an early Wednesday morning meeting so I waited until Thursday.  Sadly, I didn’t end up going.  I am clearing my schedule and will attend a Monday morning meeting this coming week.  Last week I was thinking I might need to start attending two or even three meetings each week as sort of like a good healthy dose of therapy!  I am thinking when we get moved over to my parent’s house next week that I’ll find a meeting in that area to attend.  It would be kind of nice to find a meeting where I am not known and can just be a new WW member.  I think I have a shot with a meeting in Caldwell.  I am pretty sure I know the leader though. 

I followed my strict no-sugar rule for a few days.  I’m not making myself sick to my stomach like I was.  I know I feel better when I limit my sugar splurges so I’m going to continue to keep them in check.  Just like evaluating all food choices, sugar/sweets isn’t something I need every day.  Once I re-build that habit of not giving into to the thought the craving will pass.

With the month of May fast approaching I think I need to set a goal of filling my Apple Watch circles every day of the month.  I also need to up that daily movement goal.  Re-building the exercise habit is important.  I think I’ll be moving my Curves membership to Nampa while we are living over there.  It will make it so much easier to attend when I am on night shift.

Sorry my thoughts are all over the place today.  I feel very tired today.

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