

The Last Three Days

Hello and Happy Almost Friday!  I am at work for a four hour OT shift so I hope it passes fast.   My days off were jammed packed but it was so nice to have more than just one day off.  I’ll admit I wasn’t ready to come back to work just yet.

Tuesday was our final CBH Design Studio appointment.  This is where you see the plans of your house drawn up, discuss all the specifics, and finalize the choices for inside and outside your home.  They set aside five hours for this appointment and we used it all…plus some!  I am so glad we knew ahead of time what we wanted or we would have been there even longer.  It was really important that we finish all we needed so they can start building our new home.  If there was any delay on our end with picking out our options it would push our closing date back further.  Thankfully we got it all wrapped up!


Our contact at the Design Studio, Lisa, was amazing.  We had a great time with her and appreciated her assistance and input.  She is really excited to see all our choices come together so I guess that means we picked well.  I cannot wait as I know it will all look amazing.  There isn’t a start date just yet but we found out on Wednesday that the permits are ready to go.  We also signed an addendum for two changes that came up after our appointment so I think our plans are headed to print.  It would be amazing to get the email next week they are breaking ground.  We have to wait and see.  Waiting is the hardest part!

After our appointment, which ran from 8:30am to 3:15pm, we drove by the property to look around a bit and then headed home before leaving the house again for our realtor’s annual Customer Appreciation Party held at Franz Witte Nursery.  It was a beautiful day for an outside party.


In the photo above is Tracie, who is our buyer’s agent and helping with the CBH build; Kenyon; me; Christina, who is the head of the company and is helping us sell our current house; and Kelli, who is a jack off all trades as she does a lot of the paperwork and scheduling.  Kelli actually lives in Colorado and was in town for the party.  She continues to work for the company despite moving to another state.  This was the first time we were able to meet her in person.

The party was catered by Kanak Attack which is one of my very favorites and serves delicious Hawaiian pulled pork and coconut rice.  For this event we had chicken, coconut rice, and some veggies.  It wasn’t up to their usual standards so I was a bit disappointed.


But there was wine so that made up for it!


We were only able to stay for an hour as I had double booked myself when I signed up for a cooking class several weeks ago.  A local hospital put on this class and the theme was “springtime fresh foods” meaning you can find most of the items at the Farmer’s Market.  It was really fun and several of my friends signed up too.  We just watched them prepare the food and then we got to taste.  I kept forgetting to take photos!  I did love the tiny fork though.


We sampled several salads, appetizers, a main dish, and even a dessert.  All was really yummy.  The only thing that would have made it more enjoyable was some wine!

Wednesday I went out to my parent’s house to get our rooms ready to go.  We are using two rooms joined together.  One will be our bedroom and one will be the computer room/TV room.  Both Kenyon and I will be on night shift during the time at my parent’s house so we needed a place we can hang out and not disturb everybody else.  I’m not excited to live in the basement among the mice and spiders but I’ll manage.  Hopefully it’s only for a few months.

Today before I came into work, Kenyon and I worked hard at re-organizing the storage shed.  We were quickly running out of room and still needed to put in some larger items.  Thankfully we have it organized better and we also gave away/donated a bunch of stuff as well.  We wish we had been more proactive with getting rid of stuff before we started packing.  There just wasn’t enough time.  Hopefully as we unpack we can rid ourselves of unnecessary items.

When I got to work I had a pleasant surprise in learning the raises we were to get at work was better than I expected.  I am now making more than I was at Nampa PD.  So I suppose in the end all things happen for a reason.

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