

Mid-Week Check-In: On Track And Feeling Energized

I’ve been eating pretty low points this week.  It wasn’t planned per se but by the time I put together a meal plan it ended up that a lot of my meals were low in points.  That is the biggest difference between eating at home vs. eating out.  It is no wonder you can gain weight easily when eating out a lot.  I didn’t have any plans to eat out at the start of my week but that seemed to change rather quickly starting on Tuesday. 

My coworker sent me a text on Tuesday that she would be going to Texas Roadhouse for dinner if I wanted to join her.  She was a bit bummed she didn’t get the supervisor position so she needed her spirit lifted.  I felt like I should participate and since I’ve been declining a lot of social food stuff at work, I moved my planned meal to another day and said yes to Texas Roadhouse with the group. 

I did some pre-planning and looked up the points at various restaurants ribs as I love the half slab rib meal at Roadhouse.  I selected a Caesar side salad and a baked potato as my sides.  I ate half the ribs and potato and had the dressing and the butter and sour cream on the side.  Total points used for this meal was 20 SPV. 

Tuesday evening I got an invite for a MS talk/dinner on Wednesday to meet up with Jamie at Kona Grill.  I ordered the Ceasar salad with the dressing on the side and the macadamia nut chicken which was served with broccoli and mashed potatoes.  I halved the potato portion and only ate half of the very large portion of chicken sending the leftovers home with Jamie.  Kona Grill has nutrition info online (except for the sugar numbers) so it was easy to factor up the points.  Total points used for this meal was 25 SPV.

On Thursday, Kenyon and I went to Shari’s for breakfast before we meet with the realtor at the new house.  I was craving pancakes and bacon and since we didn’t have any bacon at home we opted to eat out.  I had one pancake with a small amount of butter and syrup, two slices of bacon, and two poached eggs.  Total points used for this meal was 15 SPV.

Tonight after I get off work from my four hour OT shift, Kenyon and I are going to dinner at Tucanos.  This was one of my planned meals out this week.  Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday just happened to end up that way.  Since it will be early in my day I should be able to off-set the points again.

For some reason I have been a bit nervous about using my weekly points.  The past two weeks I’ve gone into the negative and still had a good size loss.  So I’m not sure why I was so protective of my WSPA.  I actually ended up off setting my high points meals eaten out with my low point planned meals eaten the rest of the day and have used very few weeklies. 

I’m meeting Phoenix and her daughter for some fun at the Canyon County Fair on Saturday.  I’m pretty sure there will be some beer consumed as it is going to be over 100 degrees and we need to stay hydrated. 

My activity has been really great this week as well.  I made it to Curves two days and walked on the treadmill at work three days. 

I can’t say enough how much I love this successful feeling.  I am not sure why up until now I wasn’t quite ready but I am really happy that I am now finally ready to make positive changes.

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