

Pre-WI Nerves Settling In

Even though my eating has not been as on track as it was last week, I plan to hit up my WW meeting on Monday evening before work.  I am feeling a little bit of that WI anxiety wishing I had done more sooner.  It was a really great feeling having a loss last week.  I’ll be sad if I gain but honestly, I’ve not done much to prevent it.  I ate out more this week than last week but I also brought food from home some days too.  One positive is I haven’t had much sugar/sweets this week. 

I've had a bit of some negative thinking make its way into my head after not being able to fit into a costume dress I ordered through Amazon.  There is a weekend in September that Silver City hosts its annual Open House and I have been looking for a pioneer/prairie costume to wear.  I found one online that according to the reviews fit the woman’s daughter who was a size 18.  Well…that wasn’t the case for me as it didn’t fit.  It was a bit snug in the arms and then wouldn’t zip.  Even if it would have fit, it didn’t appear to be a very comfortable fabric and would have been quite hot.  So I suppose it is good that it wasn’t the costume dress I was seeking. 

What is difficult about the dress not fitting is that it is sort of the reverse of when you lose weight and don't think a smaller size will fit but it does.  Now that I have walked amongst Skinny-Land, I feel I am smaller than I actually am in reality.  So unlike that elated feeling you get when the smaller size fits…it is a deflating feeling with the large size doesn’t fit.  I have gotten so good at avoiding the problem that I don’t think reality really sets in until I try on clothing.

I’m still on the hunt for some sort of dress attire that will fit the theme.  I think I’ll hit up some thrift stores when I have extra time (wait…what is that concept??  I’m not sure I know what extra time is) and see if I can piece something together that fits and looks good.  I try to remember that I can’t change the events of today but I can work on changing the events of the future.

So…here is to hoping my scale check-in doesn’t throw me off the deep in. 


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