

Weekly WI

I hit up the Monday night WW meeting before I came into work.  I thought I had lost 0.2 pounds but after looking at my WI booklet again I see that I gained 0.4 pounds.  I am A-Okay with that.  Onward we go.

The WW meeting is usually a therapy session for me and tonight was no exception.  Member after member talked about how they have wanted to quit and either a friend helped keep them accountable or they realized that quitting would be a terrible idea.  We even had a new member share how she just joined and needs to lose this weight.  The energy and excitement of being a new member is exhilarating.

I shared and of course cried, because that is what I do in my WW meetings.  It is nice to be among those that started with me almost ten years ago.  We also learned our leader has to step down to pursue her return to school.  She will still be a going to the Monday night meeting along with us so that is awesome.  I will miss her but am also excited for the new leader.  I’ve seen her but not really met her.  She seems very young and youthful and has a lot of energy.  I can’t attend next week due to overtime but I’ll be there the week after.  It is such a supportive group.

I started actually tracking by looking up the Smart Points Values (SPV) yesterday.  Up until now I have just been writing my food down.  I ended up eating 69 SPV so it is quite eye opening.  I didn’t plan my meals far enough in advised so I picked up a salad at Wendy’s, 16 SPV, and a sandwich at Jimmy Johns, 15 SPV, on my way to work.  Those two meals take up almost my whole Daily Smart Points Allowance (DSPA) which is 39.  I also had a mini green tea frappe at Starbucks so I could earn some rewards points, 11 SPV.  The Starbucks Rewards App pretty much owns me.

I’m going to keep up with accurate tracking so I can get an idea of how many SPV I am eating a day.  I know I will use less SP if I fix my meals at home vs. eat out.  I will make sure I do better at meal planning on my days off this week.  In the meantime, I’m going to keep plugging away.

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