

Weekly WI: Making A Comeback

I wasn’t able to attend a WW meeting yesterday due to my overtime schedule at work.  I had planned to go to the meeting in Caldwell earlier this evening but was nervous after my gain last week.  I knew there is a chance the gain was just a monthly fluke and that my work this week would pay off.  But I was still really scared to go.  I needed the meeting boost this week to get me to the meeting next Monday so that is also why I didn’t want to skip.  So, regardless of the scale results, I headed to the meeting.

I am happy to report that I lost 3.4 pounds this week brining my total loss over the last 6 weeks to 7.2 pounds.  Yippie.  Obviously the positive scale results help to increase my momentum this week.  I hate that the scale can drive positive and negative feelings but it is just how it goes. 

The meeting topic this week is Optimism:  I am optimistic that if I continue to work hard at losing weight, my pants will fit once Fall rolls around.  I am so ready for Fall.  Anybody else?  I just wish Winter didn’t follow Fall.  I’m not ready for Winter. 

I wasn’t sure if I’d stay for the meeting or just weigh and leave.  I ended up staying and I’m glad I did.  The leader from the Monday night Nampa meeting is also the leader on Tuesday night in Caldwell.  While she is still working to gain her footing as a new WW leader, she expressed how happy she was to see me.  That made me feel really good.  I also saw a few meeting members whom I knew back in the day when I attended meetings in Caldwell and some people I knew through living in the area for most of my life.  It was a nice meeting size and had great energy.

My week is starting out great.  I got in a good walk on Sunday and despite taking yesterday off formal activity, I made sure I stood at work and walked around in my console area so I could fulfill my Activity goal calories on my Apple Watch.  Tonight I’m on the treadmill at work and will log some steps both before and after midnight.  We have an appointment tomorrow afternoon with another fencing company and also an appointment with a local representative for quotes on blinds.  So I’ll need to get a jump start on my activity for tomorrow.

Plus…I’m feeing energetic and optimistic.

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