

An Update On My Training Sessions

I learned last Tuesday that I had finished my last training session of my 12-session pass I bought in December.  I can’t believe it has been six weeks since I started training with Tyson.  It hasn’t all been sunshine and roses, but it is going well.  I thought a lot about weather I’d buy another 12-session pass or not and I eventually decided I would.  The biggest reason for keeping with it is that in the last six weeks since I signed up with the gym and started my training sessions, I’ve not been to the gym on my own.  I’ve only been when training.  So even if I am paying $20 per session, I’m making it to the gym at least twice a week.  I handed over some cash (it felt sort of like a drug deal) and away we go.

Over the last six weeks I have lost 6.2 pounds and we re-did my measurements and I’ve lost at least an inch on every part of my body.  That made me feel really good.  I’ve actually lost four inches on my left thigh but we think it is because we have been babying my right leg/knee so many that is why there was such a large difference.  Either that or Tyson measured wrong the first time.  He was super impressed with my success these last six weeks. 

We also discussed how moves with the TRX strap that were hard six weeks ago seems easier now.  So I’m getting the hang of it for sure.  As we move forward, my plans it to get on a better routine of going twice a week on both Mondays and Thursdays and then getting in other activity on my own on the remainder of the days.  My right knee is still not 100% but on some days seems to be getting better.  Our plan is to continue to rehab the knee until it is fully healed.  I hope it is soon.

I’m super anxious, in a positive way, for my WI on Monday.  I am hoping to show a nice size loss at my WW meeting after two weeks since I’ve officially done my WI.  I know I worked really hard this week and I would really like my efforts to show on the scale.


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