

My New Job As A CTO

I started my career as a CTO (Communications Training Officer) last week with my first trainee Patty.  So far it has been going really well and she is an exceptional employee that will fit in well with all of us.

Our dispatch training is split into four phases.   I am training in Phase Three, which is an easier phase to train due to the trainee being more advanced on their dispatching skills.  Also during Phase Three, Patty is required to be working the console as much as she can on her own with any help needed from her trainer (me).  I like to sit back and let her come to her own conclusion or use her own resources before jumping in.  None of our trainees has had much emergency radio traffic, i.e. pursuit, man with a gun, rolling domestic, etc, so my job is also to talk about more high risk situations so we can rationalize through them together in hopes that when a large event occurs, she will be better prepared.

My job as a trainer in Phase Three is also to help Patty build more on her technical skills and teach her some of the advanced items that will make dispatching seem easier now that she has been doing the job for a few weeks now.  Again, it is going really well so I am super glad my first trainee is succeeding.  It feels good.

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