

Mid-Week Day Off

I had a day off right smack in my workweek making today feel like Monday (which it really is Monday) and yet it is actually my Thursday.  Nothing like messing you up with knowing what day it is when you are already confused working night shift.  But…it was a nice mid-week day off!

I took Sunday off for my annual Academy Awards Party that I started several years ago.  The first year we went all out with a red carpet and fancy clothes.  After that I have become slightly lower key.  I had a nice small group and we had tons of food.  I decided to order out Mexican from Enrique’s in Kuna and this was a fantastic idea.  I loved not having to deal with the time/mess/expense of making food.  If you are spending the money regardless, you might as well make it easy.


We also had margaritas and Mexican beer.  I had a great time relaxing with my friends and chatting between commercials.  Obviously most of you know about the ending with the Best Picture announcement.  Wow!  Talk about that being awkward.  I’m not sure when my next party will be but hopefully once warmer weather appears so we can use the covered patio.

I met with my Trainer Tyson today for a leg workout.  I’ve been struggling with my workout motivation lately.  When I have my set appointment with him, I have a reason to get myself going and stay accountable.  But on days I don’t meet with him it is hard to drum up some motivation.  I’ve also been struggling with feeling tired and not wanting to wake up early enough to workout either.  I’ll blame Kenyon.  Since we are slightly off shifts from my swing hours and his grave hours, I don’t see him as much and thus want to stay snuggled up next to him in bed.  Darn those husbands! 

I’ve got my WW meeting tomorrow morning and then a busy day before I come into work at 4pm.  I am hoping for a loss but I stopped on the scale on Sunday morning and I only saw a one pound gain.  I’m going to stay positive regardless of the scale outcome and I look forward to a new week ahead.  I’ll report back on my weekly WI.

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