

Weekly WI & A Super Busy Day

I had a super busy day yesterday and never had a chance to check in. I popped into my WW meeting for a brief few minutes since I had to be downtown to the State Capitol at 10:30am. The power was out at the WW meeting due to some sort of outage in the area. The plus side is that the scale runs on batteries and the iPads were fully charged so we were able to still do our weekly WI and then sat in the dark for a little while until the lights came on. It was sort of fun. Thank goodness for technology! I had a gain of 0.4 pounds. I need to ramp it up so I can see a loss next week. I'm not ready to have a plateau as I really like this losing vibe.

I raced down to the Capitol for the Senate hearing on a bill going through our legislature for a mandated dispatch certification program fro the state of Idaho. We were told our bill would be up first but they snuck a different bill in front of us which caused a lot of debate so it was a very long hour. Finally our bill came up and passed with a unanimous vote after no debate. Yahoo! The next step is the House Chambers Committee Meeting. That will be a bit tougher.

I was starving when we got done and had plans to meet Rebecca to eat before I had a hair appointment with a new stylist in BoDo downtown. We scarfed our food and I was on my way. I really liked the new stylist and while expensive, she did great on my haircut. It has been several years since I've gone to an expensive salon and I do miss the extras. The neck and head massage she gave me while I was getting my shampoo was amazing. Plus, the atmosphere is fun and funky and they are so nice and accomidating, including water to drink.

I could get used to this even though it is double the cost (and a smidgen more) than my previous hair dresser who is currently on maternity leave after having triplets. We will see what happens if/when she returns from maternity leave.

I parked at a meter (bad idea) and rushed back to my car jogging/fast walking for several blocks and even though my meter was expired, I didn't get a ticket. I was paying for it later though since my trainer and I did leg-day on Monday and I also walked on the treadmill at work in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. All of that along with my fast walk/jog made for some very sore legs at work last night.

I'm off today and tomorrow and looking forward to some time off with Kenyon. I'm working a lot of overtime the next few weeks so I'm going to really enjoy this time with Kenyon while I can. I re-did my Jamberry manicure and I'm trying to summon the warmer temps so I put on my blossom wraps and I'm drinking from my summer Starbucks coffee mug. Come on Spring...I'm waiting fo you! 

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