

Delayed Gratification

I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up this afternoon and got on the scale at home.  I had feared the worse for my WI today but instead, saw a loss of over three pounds.  WTH? 

I have this bad habit of doing my home WI on both Mondays and Tuesdays.  I skipped my meeting scale last week because it had jumped over night, due to what I ate so not true weight gain. 

Last Monday: 228.3

Last Tuesday: 230.8

Today: 227.5

So, I was hopeful I might see my 25 pound star at my meeting but I wasn’t holding my breath.  At least I was back down to “normal” from my spike last week.  As it turns out, I wasn’t able to attend me meeting because I got called into work early (an hour before they needed me here).  So, I’ll have delay my gratification at the scale until tomorrow.  I think I’ll be able to pop into the 5:30pm meeting tomorrow.  I’ve also got my training appointment at 3pm but there should be enough time. 

Sadly, my trainer has lost his ability to train out of the gym he has been at so now I’ve got to drive further to our sessions (and in some possible rush hour traffic on my drive home).  I told Tyson I’ve got two sessions left this week so I’ll finish it out, but we will see after that.  It is also time to take measurements.  I don’t want to quit because it has been helpful to my weight loss.  But…it is annoying he had to switch places.  I’m sure it is more annoying to him than I so I had best suck it up!

I was feeling pretty down on myself these last few weeks with body image and appreciating where I am at.  My friend Brenda had a lot of complementary things to say when she saw me on Saturday since it had been a few months.  It made me feel good for sure.  I know she was struggling with some extra weight since summer break started and her family is in town from Chile.  We each have something that plaques us!  I was looking over my weight record at my weight last year, so I could compare where I am this year.

Last year I had been skipping the scale and most of my weekly meetings.  I was feeling really bad about myself and guilty for gaining so much weight back.  My weight record last year showed me at 253.0 pounds on June 27, 2016.  So it has been exactly one year since I reached my all-time highest re-gain weight.  And the straw the finally broke the camel’s back.  It will feel so good to get my 25 pound start and will be a good reminder as to why I need to stay focused and keep working at it.  One day at a time!

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