

Double Starbucks Day

Since I got all my cleaning done, I lounged around this morning.  I didn’t sleep well and was awake from 2am-4am so it was nice to sleep in and not have to stress.  I had plans to meet up with Phoenix and we decided on a coffee date to save calories.  It was a nice visit.

I’ve been watching Big Love, the HBO show that ran from 2007-2011.  It is about a family of polygamists that live in Utah and stars Bill Paxton.  I love one of the wives played by Gennifer Goodwin.  I wouldn’t say the show is that great but it has sucked me in and I find I can’t wait to watch more of it everytime I’ve got nothing to go.  I’ll probably waste all seven of my days off watching TV.  And, when you are able to stream, you don’t have to wait a week for the next episode.  So, that is like a double bonus!

I’m working another OT shift today for just four hours.  It is Starbucks Happy Hour today after 3pm with half off Frappuccinos for rewards members.  I did some fancy modifications after looking up the points of a green tea frappe.  A regular frappe with non-fat milk and no whip is 16 points.  I cut that in half since I only did one pump of the sweetener and one scoop of the green tea.  Since that is where most of the sugar is, I figured it was fair to half the points and count 8 for a Grande size.  Then, I only drank half so I could have my sweet but not break the points budget. 


It was good and I didn’t mind the less sweet taste, even though I could tell it was not as sweet as the original green tea frappe.

I’ll be in family reunion mode Friday and Saturday and we are hoping for a great day.  It will be hot but thankfully we will have shade at my cousin’s house.  I’ll check in next week.

Have a great weekend.

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