

Recap Of The Weekend

I’m recapping the weekend festivities and fun today.  My days off from work are going way too fast!

Friday evening I met up with a group of gals for Book Club.  My friend Julie started a book club where all you read is menus.  That’s right, they just go try new restaurants that are different/authentic.  Sounds like my kind of book club.  Danielle, Kate, and I finally got our invite to this super exclusive club so we took full advantage and met up with about 8 other gals.  This month was Korean at Gangham.

I am not very adventurous when it comes to food, so we will see how well Book Club goes in the future.  But, the Korean Beef I ordered was delicious.  And the side dishes that were served were also really good.  As a group we all shared and tasted everything so we could sample it all.  The food was good but the service left something to be desired.  I’m not sure if they were prepared for so many people at once but it also felt like our waitress had no urgency either.  I won’t be back but I enjoyed the food experience.

Saturday was the big Summer Family Reunion and I am so happy it all went very well and was well received by all.  It was HOT and I sweated a lot but we had a great time.  About 76 family members came and we had a huge buffet of potluck foods.  We laughed, visited, and got caught up with family that we don’t see often.  Sadly, I didn’t get any photos!  We were able to get my grandpa and his siblings and then their spouses all in one photo.  But, we should have taken more smaller groups or tried to get a big group photo.  We are planning to do a reunion every other year so I’m hoping his will grow even more in the years to come.

My family from California is staying next door so I hosted breakfast at my house on Sunday morning.  I had plenty of left over ham and Mom and Dad offered to bring sourdough pancakes.  I made sure to have plenty of points ready for two pancakes!  Yummmm...

The rest of Sunday was spent napping and resting.  It was a really long day on Saturday so I was looking forward to the rest.  I am sure the rest of this week will also include some downtime.  I rented Love, Simon and really enjoyed it and I am in the middle of I Feel Pretty, which is also really cute.

This next month at work will be really busy and I am training one of our new employees up until our Europe trip.  Just six more weeks to go!

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