

Weekly WI: Facing The Scale After The Holidays

My Mom and I attended a WW workshop yesterday.  Since the WW studios in my area were closed Monday and Tuesday for both Christmas and New Years, it felt good to be back.

I was thinking I would skip the scale since I’d done my home WI and knew I had gained.  This way, I would be able to work back down before my next WW workshop (which I think I’ll start going to Saturday morning meetings).  My Mom said she needed to go regardless and I knew that I needed to face the scale too.  I was hoping for no more than 3 pound gain as that would mean I weigh 10 pound less this January than last January.  I ended up with a gain of 2.4 pounds.  Whew.  I am super happy about that…but not so happy about the gain in general.  I have a little over a week to get myself back down.  I am officially 11 pounds lighter this year than last year.

It feels good to be back on track, although I’m struggling a bit with meal planning.


An interesting FB Memory popped up today.


It was seven years ago that I got back into goal range after struggling, according to the memory, for five months.  I don’t have any weight records entered in the WW app during that time.  I found one blog post from January 14, 2011: Sharing Blog Posts From My Weight Loss Journey: Four Years With Weight Watchers which talked about my feelings during that time.

My weight record in the app shows that I was within goal range until August of 2013.  That is when my back pain started thus the spiral that happened after.  I found a blog post from August 15, 2013: August Weight In that appears to be the last time I was in goal range.  I also earned my sixth key charm.

 There is a lot of positive and painful memories when you look back over things.  But, that is also how I gain the most perspective.

My 12 year WW Anniversary is later this month.  I’ll look over everything and put together a blog post.  As 2019 is now upon us, my focus this year is to re-claim my 100 pound charm and get back under 200 pounds. 

I know I can do it and I know I will do it!

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