

Learning About Emotional Intelligence

I’m attending a training today to learn more about Emotional Intelligence.

This is a topic I’m not familiar with but had hoped to learn more and wanted this training to assist in communication skills.  So far, I’m not impressed by the trainer though.  Hopefully the afternoon picks up.

It’s my Friday but a short weekend.  I have a doctor appointment with the thyroid doc and then will do some driver’s training with my niece Hailey.  We have been learning to drive stick shift as the car she bought is a VW Beetle with a standard transmission.  I’l so excited that she has passed her skills/driving test and her written test and now she is a full fledged driver.  It is super exciting.

Wednesday may include a social happy hour with friend.  And, my Mom sprung on me a dinner invitation Tuesday evening since my sister Jenny is in town.  I’m stoked for the invite so now I’ll need to plan around both days off to balance my week.  I return to work Thursday for OT, so that makes getting back on track easy.  I will also need to meal plan this week.

I’m meeting Kenyon for lunch and then I’ll be back at it with the Emotional Intelligence topic.

Happy Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8/12/2019

    I notice you don’t post comments, and I have no idea if you even read them. But this is just a short note to say how inspirational you are. Even with all your ups and downs, you keep plugging along, and that’s inspiration. I am rejoining WW in about 4 months, after they introduce their new plan. I hear Freestyle is being entirely revamped. In the meantime, I am following the old Pointsplus. Anyway, thanks for your blog, and keep keeping on!
