

Weekly WI: Downward Trend In Full Swing

It was a super busy day yesterday so I didn’t get the chance to pop in about my WI.  The downward trend is on a good roll and I’m super stoked.

I had an excellent week and was fearful that I’d have a gain.  You know those weeks.  You work super hard at all aspects of health and then BOOM…3 pound gain.  No reason what so ever and now you are left picking up the positive pieces, which is so hard to do.  I was mentally prepping myself if that was to happen so when I saw the results were -0.6, I let out a sigh of relief.  This make my total loss for August 3 pounds thus far.

Tracking has been the biggest reason for the downward movement.  I have been working hard on focusing on my blue dots, as well as, pre-planning and pre-tracking my meals.  Meal planning has also been helping a lot.  It is still exhausting but it is working and so I’m going to keep forcing myself to do it.  

I’ve also been pre-tracking other types of stuff such as my Cense Wine when I watch Bachelor In Paradise.  I pre-tracked two glasses (6 SPV) for Monday and Tuesday.  Monday, I only drank one glass.  Tuesday I felt more like having dessert so I shuffled some of the points I had left over plus the wine points for a Chilly Cow ice cream treat.  After that and some flavored water, I didn’t feel like other 3 points of wine I had tracked.  

Pre-tracking has been helping me because it allows me to focus ahead on something that is going to cost a lot of points and then work around that for the rest of my day.  In the case of my wine points, if something else comes up within my day, I know I still have those points I can shuffle around.  I always have the ability to skip over food that doesn’t fit into my DSPA for another day.  So, I’m not giving up the wine per se, I’m just making choices along the way to try and earn as many blue dots as possible.

I’m also making sure I utilize my WSPA as I can still eat 5 a day and earn my blue dot.  This has been helpful too, although I didn’t use as many this last week.  

Yesterday was busy.  After my WW meeting, I made a quick dash to my thyroid doctor appointment and then spent the afternoon with my niece Hailey.  We are practice driving her standard transmission VW Beetle.  We had dinner with my sister Jenny who was in town and also my parents.  Hailey spent the night and I’m going to see if she wants to attend a gym class with me this morning.  I dragged her to the gym yesterday afternoon so I could get in a second workout and earn my 200% Movement goal for August.  Two of four days are complete.

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