

Weekly WI: Downward Trend

It is Weight-In Tuesday today…


…and I met my goal set last week to lose one pound.  WhoooHoooo!

There were several days this week that I kept telling myself, “you just have to lose one pound.  Keep going.”  Some weeks are tough y’all and it wasn’t anything in particular.

My WW program was strong last week and I am working to get this week ready to go as well.  I don’t know yet what I will make for meals.  I’ve also had a really great month for my credit card spending.  I’m not looking to spend a ton of money at the grocery store.  I have plenty I can throw together from our freezer at home.  I will meal prep on my days off this week so I can get focused again on losing another pound.

My activity is also going strong.  I was tired and took a break today.  I could still get on the treadmill at work if staffing allows.  But, I am also okay with a rest day.  I was planning to try out a WW workout video and ended up just not feeling the energy or motivation.  I’ll get back into it starting tomorrow.

I missed my virtual meeting today in lieu of sleeping in.  I stated up a bit too late (The Hubs is on night shift again) and had to work tonight in exchange for having yesterday off.  I slept until noon and enjoyed some lazy time on the couch with coffee and TV.  I started watching 90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days, which aired in April and has been saved on the DVR.  It has me hooked but I am fast forwarding through some couples I just don’t care to watch.  I mean by now, we know which couples might work and which might not. 

That is all I have for Tuesday.  Enjoy your evening.

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