

WW App Now Has Video Workouts Included In Your Membership

Did you all notice the WW app now includes video workouts?

I am thinking I may not need my gym membership anymore. Between my Aaptiv audio workout membership (also some included with the myWW program), the Headspace meditation, and the Virtual WW Workshop Meetings, WW is quickly becoming a one-stop-shop.

I’ve really enjoyed taking my workouts to the patio as I enjoy the afternoon shade and warm temperatures.  I bring out my iPad, set it up on the chair arm, and put in my Apple Air Pods.  I have done two of the new audio workouts and had to modify just a bit since I don’t want to get down on the hard concrete.  But, it is working out really well.

I’m keeping up with my goal to stay ahead of the 25 minutes daily so I can continue to work in some rest days.  I really needed on one on Thursday.  I like that this activity goal pushes me but I don’t want to risk the scale going down by workout out too much.  I know that sounds weird but it is a tough balance.  I do love how strong activity makes me feel and adding in strength training also makes me feel good in my clothes.  Activity, while tough to get motivated, always pays off.

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