

National Weight Control Registry Annual Service

I received an email that it is time to complete my annual survey for the National Weight Control Registry.

Hello Lindsay,

You are receiving this message because you are a member of The National Weight Control Registry, and it is time to complete your yearly survey. The information that you provide to us in these yearly surveys helps us understand what happens after a person loses weight.

No matter what has happened since you first lost weight, we want to hear from you!




J. Graham Thomas, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor (Research)

Weight Control & Diabetes Research Center

The Miriam Hospital & Brown Medical School

196 Richmond Street

Providence RI 02903


I almost logged on and completed it but thought I might as well wait until Tuesday.  I really do think I am finally going to see the scale come back down.  By how much?  Who knows.  But, the other part of that equation is my weight continued to go up through July 2019.  If I wait a week, that is even more I used to weight. 

Hey, if I’m sending in stats and I feel good about where I’m at in 2020, let’s reap those benefits!  Plus, there were many years that I avoided completing my survey since I had gained so much.

I had to stretch a bit to get some meals planned for Sunday and Monday.  I bought some butternut squash already cut up in a bag from Trader Joe’s and opened it to see it had started to mold and was stinky.  Doh!  So, I had to think outside the box.

I have been a day off all week thinking it was one day closer to the weekly.  Sadly, it is only Sunday and not Monday.

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