

Weekly WI: Maintain

This week’s check-in with the scale yielded a maintain from last week. 


I can’t say there was anything that stands out for not gaining or not losing.  I am glad I didn’t gain!  Last month my trend was loss, gain, loss, maintain, loss.  I was expecting a gain this week and I think it is perhaps that time of the month.  For those reasons, I am glad I am not having to deal with a gain.  I’ll happily take a maintain as it feels like a step in the right direction, and I will work really hard for a loss next week.

One thing I’ve noticed is those BLTs (bites, licks, and tastes) have started to creep in and I MUST get a handle on it.  I also did a bit of drinking on my days off.  I mean…these days that is about the best escape I can expect!


I’m back at work for a very long stretch with very long days.  That helps with being on track and of course means no alcohol.  I am feeling tired after the last two days and craving some downtime.  That is something I want to get better with.  We are working a lot of overtime hours with very few days off, sometimes just one a week.  I need to make sure that I am practicing good self-care and building in downtime before my shift.  I also know staying active is just as important as eating healthy and finding time to rest.  So…lots of balancing!

It is officially five weeks to Girls Weekend.  WhooooHoooo!  We don’t usually vacation this late in the year and after the heat wave around the world, it will be nice to go in September with hopeful warmer weather.  The destination this year is Portland, OR.

I am going to be really boring and will need to find some creative blog content to keep this space up and running. 

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