

Weekly WI: A Small Loss

I had not intended to go a whole week without posing something.  I has been a very long week with lots of hours at my regular job and my part time job which has left me exhausted.


I am on day five of six and ready for a day off.  One day off has not been enough to rest and recharge so I’ve not been staying true to my commitment to build in more downtime.  It just feels so busy right now.  I think the hot temperatures are also not helping as it is just hot, hot, hot.


My weekly weigh-in was a loss.  Small…but a loss!


I will work harder this week to ramp up the activity again and I’ve noticed some body changes from my strength training routine, so I want to make sure I also get back into that this week.  Like I said above, motivation was low this last week.


I listened to a WW Walk Talk from Ethan Kross, a leading expert on controlling the mind.  The walk talk was all about the internal chatter loop in our minds that isn’t productive and how to harness it.   After listening to the talk, I was prompted to buy his book, Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It, and found a hardback copy at the used bookstore. 


I’m having a little trouble getting into the book as it has not yet piqued my interest.  But I do look forward to leaning more about how to harness my inner talk.  It really isn’t WW related as I am pretty good with that inner self talk.  The loop I can use help with is my inner talk when it comes to my full-time job and working with my coworkers.  It has been a constant struggle. 


I planned some social time on Thursday, which I said I would quit doing on my only day off!  But this band I really like is playing and I really want to see them.  I only work four-hours OT shift on Wednesday (fingers crossed) and so it feels like I’ll have a little more downtime this week than I had last week…hopefully.

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