

It's Time For Something To Change

Hello August.

I’ve done a lot of reflecting on my Weekly WI and thought I’d sit down and write some of it down.  I actually had days off last week…shocker…which also gave me time to re-focus.  

On Monday, I signed up for MetPro, a fitness and coaching program offered through my work.  I remember when they rolled it out several months ago but decided to see what it was all about.  I really need one small thing to connect to that will help me re-focus.  I used this trick in 2016 when I was finally ready to tackle an 80 pound gain and signed up with a personal trainer.  I thought about seeing if there was a trainer at the YMCA.  I know if I can connect to just one small thing in my weight health journey, the rest will follow.  Instead, I singed up for MetPro.  It has been A LOT the last few days but I am starting to perhaps find my grove…perhaps!

Let me rewind.  My weigh-in on Tuesday was rough.  While I was up a small amount from last week, this is five weeks in the 210s.  I jumped up 5 pounds in about six week and it has just stuck on there. 

What I can’t ignore anymore is my weight trend since joining WW as a Coach in 2014.  I amp 18 pounds… 18 pounds!!!  Not all of that has been a rapid decline which makes it easier to pretend it isn’t happening.  When I saw 212 on the WW scale (their scale weights slightly higher than my home scale and I have had some food/drink along with wearing clothes when I weigh in).  It is time to open my eyes and time to make changes.  This is where I’m hoping MetPro might be able to help me shake things up and somehow I can marry the two together in the future.  That is yet to be determined. 

MetPro is a macro-based program so it has thrown my normal way off eating for a loop.  While frustrating at times, it has given me new insight into how I set up my meals and changed up what I’ve been eating.  Obviously, it has been a positive change because I am eating more whole foods and have ramped up my daily protein and fat intake.  That is the difficult part…the extra fats!  I am eating foods that I don’t normally eat but some that I’ve missed.  This is the part where I’m hoping I can live in a world with the WW flexibility as MetPro is too restrictive for me, but also be mindful of how certain food affects my body.  I’ll report in more after I’ve had more time.  I am only three days in as I only had my consultation yesterday via Zoom.  But, I’m working at it!

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