

Weekly WI: Scale Movement

Hello and Happy Thursday!  

I had my first full week on the MetPro program and was happy to see some scale movement.  They recommend daily weighing which is taking some getting used to.  

I’ve also decided to not track on the WW app right now, just MetPro.  However, after a phone meeting with a MetPro Coach, I feel a little better navigating the week ahead.  But first, a quick out of town trip for a few days to see a Fleetwood Mac tribute group.

I will be participating in a one-month free trail of MetPro’s coaching service and after an adjustment to my daily macros, I think this will line up better with my WW plan moving forward as that is one of my goals.  Prior to today, my day was split into three meals and one snack and my daily macros looked like this.

Now, I am split into three meals and two snacks and I think that will be easier to navigate.  It is a change to some of the meals I’ve been planning this last couple of week so it will take a little time to get acquainted with the new macros.  So far, my first “meal” of the day, which was really built as a snack to be on the go while I got my blood drawn for my thyroid visit later this month, ended up blowing my macros out of the water.  More on the learning front indeed.

And, we are headed out of town which always shifts things!  I want to enjoy my time away with Kenyon and my parents but also stay mindful.  I won’t be tracking MetPro and I’ll be consuming a large amount alcohol!  But, come Sunday, back to MetPro.  I’m waiting to hear from Coach Crystal and spend the next month working towards some goal progress.

With that, I better get my activity complete and lunch in my belly! 

Have a great day.

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