

Hello December: November Weigh-In Comes To An End

Good Afternoon and Happy Sunday.

Also, Welcome December.  Can you believe we are on the very last month of 2024?  This year has flown by and I am super stoked for our upcoming vacation, the Christmas holiday season, and then getting my act in gear for 2025! 


Let’s doooooo this!


OMG what a weekend of indulgences.  Since Thursday it has been non-stop extra food, alcohol, sweets, and going into the negative for my points.  Most nights I’ve also not slept well.  After being back on track for 26 days, my stomach felt all that extra high caloric food. 


With an unexpected gain at my end of November weigh-in, I am nervous to get on the scale this week.  I was hopeful that gain was temporary as I plan to do my December employee weigh-in on Tuesday.  With all my excess food, I’m not feeling very confident of a loss.  All this on the cusp of vacation….gah!!!  It has been a bit nervous.


As you can see, my month is not shaking out well.  This is the first time in a while I’ve ended the year higher than I began.  This is why I am planning to get my act in gear in 2025 for once and for all!

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