

 It’s travel day!!

We woke up to a flight delay and have been re-booked at our connecting airport.  Sadly, we are now in the Southwest boarding group C for that second flight.  We are thinking we will use our upgrade as we need overhead bin for our carry-ons.  Travel days can be stressful but thankfully, we don’t have anything planned this evening and have plenty of time to catch our ship in a few days.

I am really excited to check out Dickens on the Strand and happy Wanda and Michael suggested this idea.  I am that type of friend that you can’t even suggest something because I am going to roll with it and have all the logistics set in a matter of hours. 

I am truly my BEST SELF when I am on vacation.  I was thinking about that recently when our Google home hub displayed one of my many travel memories.  I am genially so happy when we travel.  Okay, spoiler alert, sometimes I am cranky when we travel but…you get the idea.

More adventures to come…

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