

Scale Peek

I took a peek at the scale this morning.  My WI isn’t until tomorrow.  I was on the fence if I should peek or not.  Sometimes it can be discouraging if the number you seek doesn’t reveal itself.  Sometimes it can be surprising too.  I will admit, I was feeling a little nervous.  This feeling will never go away.

I had posted on the WW message boards a week or so ago that I am feeling content lately.  I feel sort of “oh well” when seeing the scale is closer to the top of my weight range.  I knew there could be some stress with my June WI coming up but for the most part I was just feeling good and doing my WW thing.

The scale at home this morning is showing a slight gain from last week.  That is okay.  I know I had a good week.  I don’t really have anything negative other than I could have meal planned better.  I seem to not want to meal plan/cook lately but also not that I really want to eat out either.  I have been eating WW Smart Ones for lunches this week.  I also felt I navigated well with family in town and a few days of eating larger meals.  I didn’t use nearly as many WPPAsas I did the week before though.

While my actual WI isn’t until Tuesday, I still think I will be fine.  I should be in goal range tomorrow morning and be able to get my WI for June completed by being in goal range and be free LT for another month.  I am close to getting another key charm and I enjoy collecting them.

Regardless of what the scale says tomorrow, or if I have to pay $9 for being over goal, I will forge on.  I will keep you posted and check back.

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