

Food Log - Day 3

If you wanted to take a look:

I am already starting to get bored with my food! I do have plans to try out a new recipe on either Saturday or Monday and also possible plans to attend a concert at the winery with yummy catering on Sunday. I had some frozen yogurt with Reeses peanut butter cup today and it really hit the spot!

I needed something quick and easy before I went to my exercise class at the YMCA today.  I had one of my apple pancakes.

  • apple - 0
  • 2tsp olive oil - 2
  • 57g whole grain pancake mix - 4
  • 8g peanut butter - 1
  • 2tsp brown sugar - 1
  • 2Tbs half and half – 1
Here I am after my workout at the YMCA drinking my iced coffee from home.

On Monday I went to Aspen Leaf Yogurt for 2 for 1 and brought one home to put in the freezer.  It was a mix of flavors with Reeses peanut butter cup in the middle.  I had planned to eat it on Tuesday but was bummed out about my WI.  Since I have been wanting something sweet I had some today.  I ate about half or so of this dish.

  • Aspen Leaf frozen yogurt with Reeses peanut butter cup - 6

Clam Chowder Friday at SouperSalad is my favorite!  I stopped by for a bite to eat on my way to work.

  • salad bar - 0
  • carrots - 0
  • mushrooms - 0
  • zucchini - 0
  • kidney beans - 1
  • garbanzo beans-  2
  • turkey ham - 2
  • light ranch -2
  • 2 bowls clam chowder - 5

I was supposed to have a ride-a-long with one of our troopers at work last night, however, it got cancelled.  I didn’t quite have a plan for meals as I planned to eat out.  I just brought a frozen Weight Watcher meal.  This is where I also struggle with veggies.  When thinking of what meal to take it seems I always have frozen corn, green beans, or bagged salad.  I wish I liked veggies more or could find ways to be more creative!  This is one of my favorite WW meals!

  • WW frozen meal - turkey and dressing - 6

I made an omelet to bring to work for my early morning meal.  I worked until 3am. 

  • 1 egg - 2
  • 2 egg white - 1
  • 2 Amylu chicken breakfast sausages - 2
  • 28g shredded cheese - 2

You know how the day ended….


  • Iced Decaf Americano from Dutch Brothers with half and half - 1

41 PPVs used
4 APS earned
7 WPPA used

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