

Guest Post: Dawny Who Lost 260 Pounds - Part Three

Part Three

Dawny’s commitment to her exercise puts my teeny APs earned each week to shame!  She is always on the go.  Around Christmas though she hurt her ankle and has had to adjust her activity for the last few weeks.  I had a tough time mentally when my back started hurting and adjusting my activity and food intake wasn’t easy. But with all things in life they happen for a reason.  Dawny has embraced this new change, along with Simply Filling Technique, and is staying positive in the process!

With Dawny’s permission, I am going to share more with you some of our email conversation.

I guess where I’ve gone with all this thinking is that:

1.     This injury struck something in me making me remember that exercise is not just to maintain my weight.  In REALITY that is NOT the ONLY reason I exercise.  I LIKE it, and I LIKE the choices of activities I partake in.  I LIKE how they make me feel, the energy I get the accomplishment I feel, the ME time, the reflection, the listening to 'stuff' I do when wog-a-bout-ing, the fun and engagement in Zumba classes, and that just because I can't do what I did, or what I’m 'supposed' to do that day, or I can't do an HOUR long whatever, DOESN'T mean the activity is not 'worthy' etc.

2.      That just because I ALWAYS eat this or that, I don't have to.  I can eat whatever I want, what I crave, what my body wants, what's enough, when I’m hungry not when it's time or I can’t because it's too late in the evening.  Yes I have to be mindful.  I have to pay attention but I don't have to be miserable, and deprive myself.

3.     The scale. I NEED to lose my obsession and in the meantime I have to remember I cannot MAKE that scale do what I want WHEN I want.  I’m doing what I can, I am on-plan, and working on myself, that's all I can do right? The rest will come, or it won't.

I really think that since I’ve embarked/embraced on simply filling I feel GOOD, I feel satisfied, and I feel when I’m full.  An example, there was peanut M&M's on the fridge (sometimes there's stuff, sometimes there isn’t) and the many times I’d walk by and take one (or three after-all three don’t count) this time, I got in the bag, I touched them, and I didn't take them because the thought of it wasn’t appealing.  I was full and it just didn't 'ring' it for me?!  WHOA, that JUST happened right?

I think I’m a little 'obsessed' sometimes right now, and I think that it's quite possibly from the excessive 'restriction' and 'deprivation' but I feel it's calming down, and kind of going away.  Maybe I’ve not made any sense…but it makes sense to me.  I’ve just got to remember I can't move/change the world all today, it's time, slow, patience.

I WANT the OLD Dawny back, the LIVING Dawny, while on-track, on-plan, and navigating life…normally (okay, that's a stretch, cuz Dawny and normal in the same sentence just doesn't jive). .but…yah…I’m proud of me for embracing the change and realizing how POWERFUL I am.

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