

My New Toy

“Say hello to my little (well, BIG actually) friend.”

Hello iPhone 6 Plus.  Where have you been all my life??

If you aren’t aware: a) I have a spending problem and b) I have an Apple problem.  I had no desire to purchase a new iPhone 6…until I heard they were coming out with a larger screen size.  Apple just teased me with the “larger” screen size on the iPhone 5 and yet I still had screen-envy over my husband’s Galaxy phone.   The larger screen on the iPhone 5 was nothing compared to the release of the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.  I am so happy I was able to upgrade as it would be difficult to wait any longer for this awesome new large screen size!

After Apple announced the new phones, the pre-sale started at midnight Pacific Time on Sept 12th.  My coworkers and I were on a group phone call at 12:50 am all waiting for our opportunity to purchase our new toys.  Apple sure put a kink in things by taking down the Apple Store just before 1am and not bringing it back up for several hours.  After about 40 minutes of waiting we were all able to order our phones on the pre-sale through our individual cell phone company websites.  Talk about a headache!  Kelsie and John got their new iPhone 6 one week later but mine was delayed.  The shipping date was scheduled for October 2-13 and much to my surprise, my order was processed sooner and my phone arrived on my doorstep Tuesday.


The iPhone 6 Plus is BIG with a 5.5 inch digital display.  The phone is also the largest and thinnest iPhone ever made with it being 6.22 inches tall and 3.06 inches wide.  This phone is being dubbed a phablet, a mix between a phone and tablet.  A phone of this size won’t cater to everybody.  Had there only been one phone release and the iPhone 6, with a slightly smaller screen size of 4.7 inch, was the only one available iPhone I might have been happy.  However, it is great that Apple released both phones giving customers a choice of which size they prefer. 

I am on cloud nine.

My coworker Shauna was asking me last week what I was going to name my new iPhone.  While I don’t have a habit of naming all my prized possessions, my MacBook Air, Karl, does have a name.  I was thinking I might call my new phone Stuart.  He looks like a Stuart.

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